


supporting mark thomas' initial protests against socpa, Serious Organized Crime and Police Act (2005) an act of the UK parliament aimed primarily at creating the Serious Organized Crime Agency. It was introduced into the House of Commons on 24 November 2004 and was passed by Parliament and given Royal Assent in April 2005. The law makes it illegal to protest outside the Houses of Parliament without a pre-arranged license approved by Westminster Police. We applied for some licenses...

[>>more about socpa]

IMG_0309.120.jpg support Poppy Day

November 07
IMG_6098.120.jpg breaking records

April 07
IMG_5590.150.gif Protest in support of red noses

March 07
IMG_2877.150.gif Mass Loan Demonstation 2

Sept 06
charing_cross_t.150.jpg Mass loan demonstation 1

Sept 06
08EU9922.150.jpg Protest to Revive the Twinky Perm
& Protest to Sack Superintendent Terry

July 06
IMG_1850.1.150.jpg Protest to Stop the UK Torture Trade
June 06
proIMG_1567.150.jpg Protest in Defence of Protest
June 06
IMG_1458.150.jpg Surrealist Protest
June 06